Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Live Music Thoughts - St. Paul and The Broken Bones - The Chop Shop - Charlotte, NC - 03/21/2014


It is interesting to see where the past manifests itself.  Paul Janeway doesn't look like someone who would pay homage to Otis Redding and create original music that would stand besides Redding's work and not wilt, but he and his band do.  Honestly St. Paul looks kind of like a guy who works in IT or accounting, but the man can flat out sing and he moves around the stage as a spirited showman.  There are no background vocals to speak of and The Broken Bones keep their heads down and barrel ahead playing tight soul and funk arrangements of old songs and their original material. They are not hipsters, hippies or punks, they play music that would not be out of place in an era and they play it well.  The music is about soul, longing, women that done you wrong, and keeping your head up and is easy to relate to.  The crowd had fresh faced kids and white haired folks that probably saw Redding play in 1965 and although it was crowded everyone got something out the experience.  Like The Alabama Shakes a few years ago, this is a band from Alabama that has little agenda beyond playing soul music that will be around after their gone and I'm glad I got to see them for 12 dollars on their way their famous.
Gene G. McLaughlin 2014